Social Studies: The Social Media Power Hour

Mr Moe's 3131 Commodore Plaza, Miami, FL, United States

Four local social media experts will share their strategies with you. Presentation topics include…Building A Social Media Presence Through Blogging The Power of Email Marketing Mastering The Social Sites and Smart Tablet Apps For Real Estate Professionals. Sessions will be led by…Debbie Colangelo, President/Publisher, CRE-sources Rosie Taylor, President of Rosiemedia and Authorized Local Constant Contact

2012 CIASF Mortgage Market Report

Coral Gables Country Club 997 N Greenway Dr, Coral Gables, FL, United States

ONLINE TICKET SALES END THURSDAY AT 4PM BUT YOU CAN STILL REGISTER AT THE DOOR ON FRIDAY THE 2012 CIASF MORTGAGE MARKET REPORT   THE EVENT: A diverse and experienced group of panelists from various sectors of the lending industry will discuss the current lending environment, forecast trends in lending, and elucidate requirements to obtain

Designs on Doral

RESCHEDULED: NOW ON 11/2/2012 Come see Trump's plans to update the Doral Resort and Spa, and learn about the City's plans for a Design District.. Presented by   Mayor Bermudez and Trump Hotels

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